According to paragraph 3 of the Regulations for declaring the strictly protected and protected species of wild plants, animals and fungi, species designated as strictly protected are those species that have vanished from the territory of the Republic of Serbia or its parts, but have been reintroduced, also those that are critically endangered, endangered, relic, locally endemic, steno-endemic, of international importance, internationally protected or of special importance to preserving the biological diversity of Serbia.
Authors of the text are Branislav Uzelac and Damjan Krstajic.
- Albatrellus ovinus
- Albatrellus pes-caprae
- Amanita vittadinii
- Battaraea phalloides
- Boletus dupainii
- Boletus regius
- Boletus rhodoxanthus
- Boletus satanas
- Catathelasma imperiale
- Entoloma bloxamii
- Fomitopsis rosea
- Geastrum fornicatum
- Geastrum melanocephalum
- Geastrum schmidelii
- Hapaloppilus croceus
- Hemileccinum impolitum
- Hericium alpestre
- Hericium cirrhatum
- Hericium coralloides
- Hericium erinaceus
- Hygrocybe calyptriformis
- Hygrocybe coccineocrenata
- Hygrocybe punicea
- Hygrophorus marzuolus
- Leccinum crocipodium
- Leucopaxillus giganteus
- Mutinus caninus
- Myriostoma coliforme
- Panaeolus semiovatus
- Phallus hadrianii
- Podoscypha multizonata
- Polyporus umbellatus
- Psilocybe serbica var. bohemica
- Pycnoporellus alboluteus
- Rhodotus palmatus
- Strobilomyces strobilaceus
- Xerocomus pelletieri