Phallus hadrianii Vent.
Fruit body: at first egg shape up to 5 cm wide, pink to pale purple, with visible pink mycelial extentions at base. When mature, from egg emerges head reminesent of morels (Morchella) on elongated white cylindrical hollow stem up to 15 cm. Smells unpleasant of carcasses, although not as strong as P. impudicus.
Microscopy: spores ellipsoid, smooth, 3-4x1.5-2 μm.
Habitat: xerophile and heliophile, mostly on sandy terrains, rare.
Edibility: inedible.
Reference: Uzelac, B. (2009). Gljive Srbije i zapadnog Balkana, BGV Logik, Beograd.
Photo: Goran Milošević