Leccinum crocipodium (Lettel.) Watling

(= Leccinellum crocipodium)

Fruit body: cap up to 15 cm, fleshy, rounded then expanded, velvety to cracked, slightly wrinkled, buff to yellow-brown with olive tinge. Tubes are bright yellow to yellow-olive, brown when bruised. Pores are very minute, yellow, turning to shades of brown when bruised. Stem is up to 15x4 cm, swollen at base, pointed towards base, bright yellow, longitudinally wrinkled, with brownish spots.

Microscopy: spores subfusiform, 13—14x5.5—6 μm, ochraceous to olive-ochraceous en masse, basidia with 4 spores, cystidia present.

Flesh: hard, cream, pink when cut then purple-black, smell and taste mild.

Habitat: in bright oak woods.

Edibility: edible.

Reference: Uzelac, B. (2009). Gljive Srbije i zapadnog Balkana, BGV Logik, Beograd.

Photo: Goran Milošević