Hygrocybe coccineocrenata (P.D. Orton) M.M. Moser
Fruit body: cap up to 2 cm, at first convex, later plane with depressed centre, finely scaly, orange red to red. Gills are decurrent, distant, whitish to pale yellow. Stem is up to 7x0.5 cm, colour as cap.
Microscopy: spores ellipsoid, 9.5—11.5x5.5—6.5 μm.
Flesh: no distinct smell and taste.
Habitat: in humid pine (Pinus) forests. Very rare.
Edibility: unknown.
Reference: Knudsen, H., Vesterholt, J. (2008). Funga Nordica, Nordsvamp, Copenhagen.
Photo: Andreas Gminder