Hericium alpestre Pers.
Fruit body: diameter up to 30 cm, made of common base with several branched extentions, each ending with spines irregularly arranged in all directions, various length and width. It is white when young, with more pink-brown hues when older.
Microscopy: spores ellipsoid to globose, amyloid, ornamented with spots, 5-6.5x4.5-5.5 µm
Flesh: fragile, whitish, slightly translucent, with age darkens first to shades of yellow and later brown.
Habitat: on coniferous deadwood, mainly fir (Abies).
Edibility: edible when young, although it is practically impossible to clean it from wood debris.
Reference: Uzelac, B. (2009). Gljive Srbije i zapadnog Balkana, BGV Logik,
Photo: Goran Milošević