Geastrum schmidelii Vittad.
Fruit body: at first onion shape and half-buried, up to 2.5 cm, exoperidium splits into 5-8 rays , diameter up to 4 cm. Gleba is globose, up to 1.2 cm, short-stalked, peristome usually distinctly delimeted by a low, circular ridge, dark brown when mature.
Microscopy: spores globose, warted, 4.8—5.6 μm, dark brown en masse.
Habitat: amongst moss and grass on sandy terrains.
Edibility: inedible.
Reference: Pegler, D.N., Laessoe, T., Spooner, B. (1995). British puffballs, earthstars, and stinkhorns,
Photo: Goran Milošević