Cantharellus cibarius var. amethysteus Quel.

(= Cantharellus amethysteus)


Fruit body: resembling to Chanterelle in everything, but with smaller dimensions. Top of cap is clearly sprinkled with purple flakes which give this fungus a specific appearance.

Microscopy: spores are elongated ellipsoid, hyaline, 9.5-11.5x5-6.5 μm.

Flesh: pale ochraceous, fibrous, on damaged places changes colour to orange and brown shades. Without a distinct smell of apricot.

Habitat: in groups, late summer and autumn in mixed and deciduous mountain woods.

Edibility: same as Chantarelle.

Reference: Uzelac, B. (2009). Gljive Srbije i zapadnog Balkana, BGV Logik, Beograd.

Photo: Goran Milošević